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 ABOUT THE Blogger: 

Hey. I'm Justin. I'm a 30-year-old blogger currently residing in Southern California. I've invested a lot of my life into music, movies, and TV. I love listening, watching, reviewing, debating, and discussing anything I can really get into. I'd like to consider myself very well-versed in popular culture with a heavy a strong focus on today's hip-hop, pop, and blockbuster movies. I simply let this blog be my outlet where I can share my personal opinions about everything and anything that I'm interested in.


Here are a few of my favorite things:

  • Kanye West

  • The Office

  • Kendrick Lamar

  • Back to the Future

  • Coachella

  • Donald Glover

  • Childish Gambino

  • Bob's Burgers

  • Beyoncé

  • The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

  • Marvel Cinematic Universe

  • Anything Mike Schur is involved in


Why "Late Calibration"? It's a callout to Kanye West's sophomore album, Late Registration. As you can see above, Kanye West is listed first, and for good reason. He's been the most influential creator who has impacted my life for over 15 years. Controversial pick? Yes, but what's pop culture without a little bit of controversy? I chose the replacement word "calibration" because it means to determine, check, or measure the graduation of a thing. In my case, I write reviews (determining, checking, measuring) on many things from music to movies to concerts and festivals. If it sparks my interest, I want to add my two cents whether you asked for it or not.


Let's discuss.


© Justin Recio 2021

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